Logo-LankaExam - lankaexam.lk
Logo-LankaExam - lankaexam.lk
The Total
Solution Provider
The Total Exam Solution Provider

Ace Your Exams with Our Ultimate Quiz Platform

Practice past papers, customize quizzes, and get instant feedback with a user-friendly interface designed for students.

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Logo-LankaExam - lankaexam.lk
The Total Exam Solution Provider

Ace Your Exams with Our Ultimate
Quiz Platform.

Practice past papers, customize quizzes, and get instant feedback with a user-friendly interface designed for students.

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How It Work

Lankaexam.lk offers online answers to past exam papers for Grade 5 Scholarship, O-Level, A-Level & Examinations of professionals. It enables instant scoring, term test practice, and connects teachers with students nationwide

Sign Up

Create your free account in just a few seconds. Sign up with your email and start your journey toward academic success.

Generate Papers

Select the subjects and topics you need to study. Our system will generate tailored practice papers based on your preferences. Get a variety of questions to challenge your knowledge and prepare for the real exam.

Complete Your Papers

Take the generated papers online. Our intuitive interface makes it easy to answer questions, track your progress, and manage your time effectively.

Check Your Results

Once you've completed a paper, instantly view your results. See detailed feedback on your answers, understand where you excelled, and identify areas for improvement.

How It Work

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris

Sign Up

Create your free account in just a few seconds. Sign up with your email and start your journey toward academic success.

Generate Papers

Select the subjects and topics you need to study. Our system will generate tailored practice papers based on your preferences. Get a variety of questions to challenge your knowledge and prepare for the real exam.

Complete Your Papers

Take the generated papers online. Our intuitive interface makes it easy to answer questions, track your progress, and manage your time effectively.

Check Your Results

Once you've completed a paper, instantly view your results. See detailed feedback on your answers, understand where you excelled, and identify areas for improvement.

Explore our tutorial video

Discover step-by-step guides, tips, and insights to help you succeed. Click the link to start learning today..!

Hear What Educational Professionals are Saying About LankaExam.lk

We’re proud to have received enthusiastic feedback from educators experts who have explored LankaExam.lk. Here’s what they have to say about our innovative learning platform:

Lanka Exam

We’re proud to have received enthusiastic feedback from educators experts who have explored LankaExam.lk. Here’s what they have to say about our innovative learning platform

Hear What Educational Professionals are Saying About LankaExam.lk

We’re proud to have received enthusiastic feedback from educators experts who have explored LankaExam.lk. Here’s what they have to say about our innovative learning platform:


Fletch Skinner

Product Strategist

Proin arcu ligula, malesuada id tincidunt laoreet, facilisis at justo. Sed at lorem.

Fletch Skinner

Product Strategist

Proin arcu ligula, malesuada id tincidunt laoreet, facilisis at justo. Sed at lorem.

Fletch Skinner

Product Strategist

Proin arcu ligula, malesuada id tincidunt laoreet, facilisis at justo. Sed at lorem.

Mobile App
Soon on Your Screens

We’re thrilled to announce that LankaExam.lk is bringing the power of learning right to your fingertips with our mobile app! Whether you’re commuting, traveling, or simply away from your computer, our mobile app will ensure that your educational journey continues seamlessly, no matter where you are.

Learning with Our All-in-One Platform

Welcome to LankaExam.lk, your ultimate destination for comprehensive education and skill development. Our cutting-edge platform brings together a vast array of learning resources, tools, and opportunities into one unified space. Whether you're a student, professional, or lifelong learner, we’re here to make your educational journey simpler, more efficient, and incredibly effective.

01. Access to Past Exam Papers:

Easily access and practice with past papers from Grade Five Scholarship, O-Level, and A-Level exams.

02. Instant Feedback & Scoring:

Receive immediate feedback on your answers, including scores and detailed explanations.

01. Access to Past Exam Papers:

Easily access and practice with past papers from Grade Five Scholarship, O-Level, and A-Level exams.

04. Mobile Accessibility:

Use the platform on the go with dedicated Android and iOS apps, ensuring seamless access anytime, anywhere.

02. Instant Feedback & Scoring:

Receive immediate feedback on your answers, including scores and detailed explanations.

03. Interactive Mock Tests:

Take mock exams and term test papers for Grades 6-13 with real-time accuracy checks.

05. Educator Support & Resources:

Special tools and services for teachers and tutors to enhance student learning and extend their reach.

01. Access to Past Exam Papers:

Easily access and practice with past papers from Grade Five Scholarship, O-Level, and A-Level exams.

04. Mobile Accessibility:

Use the platform on the go with dedicated Android and iOS apps, ensuring seamless access anytime, anywhere.

02. Instant Feedback & Scoring:

Receive immediate feedback on your answers, including scores and detailed explanations.

03. Interactive Mock Tests:

Take mock exams and term test papers for Grades 6-13 with real-time accuracy checks.

05. Educator Support & Resources:

Special tools and services for teachers and tutors to enhance student learning and extend their reach.

03. Interactive Mock Tests:

Take mock exams and term test papers for Grades 6-13 with real-time accuracy checks.

04. Mobile Accessibility:

Use the platform on the go with dedicated Android and iOS apps, ensuring seamless access anytime, anywhere.

05. Educator Support & Resources:

Special tools and services for teachers and tutors to enhance student learning and extend their reach.